
検索キーワード「famous quotes about making mistakes」に一致する投稿を表示しています

25 ++ don’t be afraid to make mistakes 255305-Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you'll learn from them Making a mistake at work is part of professional life But the secret to moving on from your blunders is to learn from them During the past few years of building my career and business, I have made a few mistakes"Don't be afraid to make mistakes because you won't grow if you don't make them" This is an example where I hope we can try to instill this kind of culture (and thinking) in Germany where failure is not viewed as final but rather as a trial and error approach In the startup world, we often tend to hear and use the word 'learnings'Mistakes occur in all facets of life, from personal situations to professional settings As you journey through life, be sure to carry with you one very important piece of advice "Don't be afraid to make mistakes!" A willingness to make and learn from mistakes is a sign of humility It portrays a desire for personal growth and improvement Joe Gara